Sunday 8 March 2015

Dating Human Origins

Discovery pushes back the origin of our genus, Homo, by half a million years.

What do we really know about the origin of our species? Did we actually evolve into such high intellectual beings or was it something else? Where is the missing link leading to our evolution? How old is humanity?

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Lost Civilizations : Part V : Discovering Ancient Lands

Think of this situation : If human race ceases to exist on Earth, then Earth would flourish like never before. Life would grow everywhere and anywhere, as it is not under control or limit.

The following is an excerpt from
Vegetation is probably the world’s best secret keeper. It’s kept some of the world’s most famous archaeological sites hidden from our eyes for centuries.Even now, some of the most amazing sites that have been the focus of much archaeological attention, such as Guatemala’s Tikal and Mexico’s Cobá, are still 90% covered in thick jungle. Who knows what other treasures we might find in the coming years? Well, thanks to lasers, we might start finding out a little sooner than we’d hoped.
More and more archaeologists across the globe are beginning to trade in their trowels for more sophisticated sensing technologies, and the discoveries so far have been incredible. Airborne LiDAR (light detection and ranging), for example, is a powerful mapping technology that was first conceived in the ‘60s as a method for detecting submarines. It involves firing laser pulses over areas of interest in order to measure the distance between the ground and the aircraft. Some years after its introduction, researchers realized its potential as a tool for peeping through dense vegetation, and since then it’s been revolutionizing remote sensing in tropical environments.
While flying lasers around may sound expensive, considering it can uncover and map extensive regions without the need for time-consuming, labor-intensive ground surveys, it’s actually become a cost effective tool that’s proving invaluable to the field.
Just last year, a team of archaeologists, headed by University of Sydney researchers, announced that they had used LiDAR to map 370 square kilometers around the world’s biggest religious complex—Cambodia’s Angkor Wat—in less than two weeks. Not only did this uncover a series of unexpected discoveries about the once lost city of Angkor, but it also revealed an even older city that archaeologists had a sneaky suspicion lay hidden nearby.
This long-lost city, called Mahendraparvata, lay atop the Phnom Kulen mountain in the Siem Reap Province. This city was the original capital of the mighty Khemer Empire which was founded by a king called Jayavarman II. Mapping revealed almost 30 previously unknown temples alongside evidence of an extensive urban structure including canals, a grid of ceremonial boulevards, man-made ponds and roads. Some of these temples were so well hidden that the team believes they may never have been looted in the past.
LiDAR was also used back in 2009 to help construct a 3D map of an ancient Maya city in western Belize called Caracol. This metropolis was once again shielded by thick vegetation, and in less than one week the team collected more information about it than they had in a quarter of a century hacking through the tangled jungle. They found a plethora of agricultural terraces, roads and structures that were all previously unknown.
It seems that these impressive sensing technologies are bringing us into a golden age of archeology, and many of the discoveries made over the last couple of years have already challenged our conventional theories about ancient societies. Hopefully, now that this technology is beginning to be used more and more, archaeologists will continue this current trend of discovery, bringing us closer to ancient civilizations than we could have ever imagined. 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Lost Civilizations : Part IV : City of the Monkey God

Lost City Discovered in the Honduran Rain Forest

Evidence of an ancient settlement was found in the most inaccessible forest in Central America

Picture of a “were-jaguar” effigy, likely representing a combination of a human and spirit animal

Excerpt from multiple sources. (Source)
An ancient lost city from a mysterious culture has been discovered in the eastern Honduran rain forest. Legend speaks of a “White City” or “City of the Monkey God” so remote that no one has ever found it.
An expedition to Honduras has emerged from the jungle with dramatic news of the discovery of a mysterious culture’s lost city, never before explored. The team was led to the remote, uninhabited region by long-standing rumors that it was the site of a storied “White City,” also referred to in legend as the “City of the Monkey God.”  
Archaeologists surveyed and mapped extensive plazas, earthworks, mounds, and an earthen pyramid belonging to a culture that thrived a thousand years ago, and then vanished. The team, which returned from the site last Wednesday, also discovered a remarkable cache of stone sculptures that had lain untouched since the city was abandoned. 
In contrast to the nearby Maya, this vanished culture has been scarcely studied and it remains virtually unknown. Archaeologists don’t even have a name for it.
Christopher Fisher, a Mesoamerican archaeologist on the team from Colorado State University, said the pristine, unlooted condition of the site was “incredibly rare.” He speculated that the cache, found at the base of the pyramid, may have been an offering.
“The undisturbed context is unique,” Fisher said. “This is a powerful ritual display, to take wealth objects like this out of circulation.”
The tops of 52 artifacts were peeking from the earth. Many more evidently lie below ground, with possible burials. They include stone ceremonial seats (called metates) and finely carved vessels decorated with snakes, zoomorphic figures, and vultures.
The most striking object emerging from the ground is the head of what Fisher speculated might be “a were-jaguar,” possibly depicting a shaman in a transformed, spirit state. Alternatively, the artifact might be related to ritualized ball games that were a feature of pre-Columbian life in Mesoamerica.
“The figure seems to be wearing a helmet,” said Fisher. Team member Oscar Neil Cruz, head archaeologist at the Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History (IHAH), believes the artifacts date to A.D. 1000 to 1400.
The objects were documented but left unexcavated. To protect the site from looters, its location is not being revealed. Picture of a stream winds through part of an unexplored valley in Mosquitia in eastern HondurasA stream winds through part of an unexplored valley in Mosquitia in eastern Honduras, a region long rumored to contain a legendary “White City,” also called the City of the Monkey God.

Stories of “Casa Blanca” and a Monkey God

The ruins were first identified in May 2012, during an aerial survey of a remote valley in La Mosquitia, a vast region of swamps, rivers, and mountains containing some of the last scientifically unexplored places on earth.
For a hundred years, explorers and prospectors told tales of the white ramparts of a lost city glimpsed above the jungle foliage. Indigenous stories speak of a “white house” or a “place of cacao” where Indians took refuge from Spanish conquistadores—a mystical, Eden-like paradise from which no one ever returned.
Since the 1920s, several expeditions had searched for the White City, or Ciudad Blanca. The eccentric explorer Theodore Morde mounted the most famous of these in 1940, under the aegis of the Museum of the American Indian (now part of the Smithsonian Institution).Morde returned from Mosquitia with thousands of artifacts, claiming to have entered the City.  According to Morde, the indigenous people there said it contained a giant, buried statue of a monkey god. He refused to divulge the location out of fear, he said, that the site would be looted. He later committed suicide and his site—if it existed at all—was never identified.  
More recently, documentary filmmakers Steve Elkins and Bill Benenson launched a search for the lost city.
They identified a crater-shaped valley, encircled by steep mountains, as a possible location.
To survey it, in 2012 they enlisted the help of the Center for Airborne Laser Mapping at the University of Houston. A Cessna Skymaster, carrying a million-dollar lidar scanner, flew over the valley, probing the jungle canopy with laser light. lidar—“Light Detection and Ranging”—is able to map the ground even through dense rain forest, delineating any archaeological features that might be present.
When the images were processed, they revealed unnatural features stretching for more than a mile through the valley. When Fisher analyzed the images, he found that the terrain along the river had been almost entirely reshaped by human hands.
The evidence of public and ceremonial architecture, giant earthworks and house mounds, possible irrigation canals and reservoirs, all led Fisher to conclude that the settlement was, indeed, a pre-Columbian city.

Threatened by Deforestation

An archaeological discovery isn’t confirmed until it has been “ground-truthed.” The ground exploration team consisted of American and Honduran archaeologists, a lidar engineer, an anthropologist, an ethnobotanist, documentary filmmakers, and support personnel. Sixteen Honduran Special Forces soldiers provided security. The National Geographic Society sent a photographer and a writer.
The expedition confirmed on the ground all the features seen in the lidar images, along with much more. It was indeed an ancient city. Archaeologists, however, no longer believe in the existence of a single “lost city,” or Ciudad Blanca, as described in the legends. They believe Mosquitia harbors many such “lost cities,” which taken together represent something far more important—a lost civilization.
The valley is densely carpeted in a rain forest so primeval that the animals appear never to have seen humans before. An advance team clearing a landing zone for helicopters supplying the expedition noted spider monkeys peering down curiously from the trees above, and guinea hen and a tapir wandering into camp, unafraid of the human visitors.
“This is clearly the most undisturbed rain forest in Central America,” said the expedition’s ethnobotanist, Mark Plotkin, who spent 30 years in Amazonia. “The importance of this place can’t be overestimated.”
Picture of in addition to looting, another threat to the newly discovered ruins is deforestation In addition to looting, another threat to the newly discovered ruins is deforestation for cattle ranching, seen here on a hillside on the way to the site. At its present pace, deforestation could reach the valley within a few years.
 The region also is gravely threatened. Deforestation for ranching has checkerboarded the jungle to within a dozen miles of the valley. Huge swaths of virgin rain forest are being cut illegally and burned to make way for cattle. The region has become one of the biggest beef-producing areas in Central America, supplying meat to fast-food franchises in the United States.
Virgilio Paredes Trapero, the director of the IHAH, under whose auspices the expedition operated, spent several days at the site. He concluded: “If we don’t do something right away, most of this forest and valley will be gone in eight years.” He spread his hands. “The Honduran government is committed to protecting this area, but doesn’t have the money. We urgently need international support.”
The expedition was made possible with the permission, partnership, and support of the government of Honduras; Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández Avarado; Virgilio Paredes Trapero, director of the Honduran Institute for Anthropology and History (IHAH); Oscar Neil Cruz, Chief of the Archaeology Division of IHAH, as well as Minister of Defense Samuel Reyes and the Armed Forces of Honduras under the command of Gen. Fredy Santiago Díaz Zelaya, with Gen. Carlos Roberto Puerto and Lt. Col. Guillermo Oseguera, and the soldiers of TESON, Honduran Special Forces.
One of two simian sculptures on Temple 11, Howler Monkey Gods. Copan, Honduras (Shutterstock)“Many archeologists believe that The ‘White City,’ by its very nature, must never be found,” said Shanti Morell-Hart, an assistant professor at McMaster University in Canada. “It’s more of a legend that covers a region of many cities that were considered ‘Lost Cities,’ that depopulated due to the epidemics that swept through when the Europeans arrived, many of them large.”
Many new sites have been discovered or rediscovered in recent years due to changing politics that have opened the region to exploration and many technological advances that allow archaeologists to locate ruins.
“We have entered a more sophisticated age of exploration,” said Ben Thomas, of the Archaeological Institute of America.
Even so, Thomas said, archaeologists have probably found only about 40 percent of what’s left to discover.

Monday 2 March 2015

Lost Civilizations : Part III : Heracleion

For centuries it was thought to be a legend, a city of extraordinary wealth mentioned by Herodotus, visited by Helen of Troy and Paris, her lover, but apparently buried under the sea.
It is a city shrouded in myth, swallowed by the Mediterranean Sea and buried in sand and mud for more than 1,200 years. But now archeologists are unearthing the mysteries of Heracleion, uncovering amazingly well-preserved artifacts that tell the story of a vibrant classical-era port.
In fact, Heracleion was true, and a decade after divers began uncovering its treasures, archaeologists have produced a picture of what life was like in the city in the era of the pharaohs.
The city, also called Thonis, disappeared beneath the Mediterranean around 1,200 years ago and was found during a survey of the Egyptian shore at the beginning of the last decade.
Now its life at the heart of trade routes in classical times are becoming clear, with researchers forming the view that the city was the main customs hub through which all trade from Greece and elsewhere in the Mediterranean entered Egypt.
They have discovered the remains of more than 64 ships buried in the thick clay and sand that now covers the sea bed. Gold coins and weights made from bronze and stone have also been found, hinting at the trade that went on.
Giant 16 foot statues have been uncovered and brought to the surface while archaeologists have found hundreds of smaller statues of minor gods on the sea floor.
Slabs of stone inscribed in both ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian have also been brought to the surface.
Dozens of small limestone sarcophagi were also recently uncovered by divers and are believed to have once contained mummified animals, put there to appease the gods.
Dr Damian Robinson, director of the Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology at the University of Oxford, who is part of the team working on the site, said: “It is a major city we are excavating.
“The site has amazing preservation. We are now starting to look at some of the more interesting areas within it to try to understand life there.
“We are getting a rich picture of things like the trade that was going on there and the nature of the maritime economy in the Egyptian late period. There were things were coming in from Greece and the Phoenicians.“We have hundreds of small statues of gods and we are trying to find where the temples to these gods were in the city.
“The ships are really interesting as it is the biggest number of ancient ships found in one place and we have found over 700 ancient anchors so far.”
The researchers, working with German TV documentary makers, have also created a three dimensional reconstruction of the city.
At its heart was a huge temple to the god Amun-Gereb, the supreme god of the Egyptians at the time.
From this stretched a vast network of canals and channels, which allowed the city to become the most important port in the Mediterranean at the time.
Last month archaeologists from around the world gathered at the University of Oxford to discuss the discoveries starting to emerge from the treasures found in Heracleion, named for Hercules, who legend claimed had been there.
It was also mentioned fleetingly in ancient texts.
Dr Robinson said: “It was the major international trading port for Egypt at this time. It is where taxation was taken on import and export duties. All of this was run by the main temple.” 
Submerged under 150 feet of water, the site sits in what is now the Bay of Aboukir. In the 8th Century BC, when the city is thought to have been built, it would have sat at the mouth of the River Nile delta as it opened up into the Mediterranean.
Scientists still have little idea what caused the city to slip into the water nearly 1,000 years later, but it is thought that gradual sea level rise combined with a sudden collapse of the unstable sediment the city was built on caused the area to drop by around 12 feet.
Over time the city faded from memory and its existence, along with other lost settlements along the coast, was only known from a few ancient texts.
French underwater archaeologist Dr Franck Goddio was the first to rediscover the city while doing surveying of the area while looking for French warships that sank there in the 18 century battle of the Nile.When divers began sifting down through the thick layers of sand and mud, they could barely believe what they found.
“The archaeological evidence is simply overwhelming,” said Professor Sir Barry Cunliffe, an archaeologist at the University of Oxford has also been taking part in the excavation.
“By lying untouched and protected by sand on the sea floor for centuries they are brilliantly preserved.”
The researchers now also hope that they may even find some sarcophagi used to bury humans in some of the outlying areas around the sunken city.
“The discoveries enhance the importance of the specific location of the city standing at the 'Mouth of the Sea of the Greek’,” said Dr Goddio, who has led the excavation.
“We are just at the beginning of our research. We will probably have to continue working for the next 200 years for Thonis-Heracleion to be fully revealed and understood.”
It’s not everyday archaeologists uncover a lost, ancient city, let alone one of such importance and significance. Since it’s discovery, many ancient statues and artifacts have been recovered, as well as much information about who we are, and where we came from in our early Greek & Egyptian Origins.


Sunday 1 March 2015

A New Ancient Human Species

New Ancient “Mystery Human” Species Identified Shakes Up The Theory Of Evolution

mist1Evolution is something scientists have observed at several different levels in nature, and when it comes to human ancestry, they’ve been able to collect bits and pieces of the giant puzzle that is human evolution. We do know that some form of evolution (scientifically speaking)  has occurred on various levels, but there are still many missing links to our evolutionary journey, and new discoveries made every year are continuing to re-write what we previously believed to be true.
It’s important to remember that there is still much we do not know, and the evolutionary tree is far from understood, let alone complete.

A New Species Discovered?

One great example is a discovery that was made just over a year ago where researchers discovered what looks to be an entirely new species of hominin that is currently unknown to modern day science.
A DNA analysis of the subject’s genome detected traces of what is known as a “Denisovan,” who are considered to be the mysterious cousins of the Neanderthals. The alarming part is the fact that the genome also contains odd bits of DNA which seem to come from a completely unknown, unidentifiable group of “people.”
The genome from a Neanderthal was also analyzed from the excavation, and the results suggest that interbreeding occurred among members of multiple ancient human-like groups in Europe and Asia more than 30,000 years ago, “including an as yet unknown human ancestor from Asia.”
“What it begins to suggest is that we’re looking at a Lord of the Rings type world – that there were many hominid populations.” - (1) Mark Thomas, evolutionary geneticist at University College London.
Again, Neanderthal and Denisovan’s are believed to have bred with anatomically modern humans, thus contributing to the genetic diversity of many people today. That being said, this new discovery suggests that our genetic diversity is far more complex, and again, includes a being (or beings) that has yet to be identified.
“The best explanation is that the Denisovans interbred with an unidentified species, and picked up some of their DNA. Denisovans harbour ancestry from an unknown archaic population, unrelated to Neanderthals.”  (2) – David Reich of Harvard Medical School

Who Were These People?

The question now becomes, who were these mystery people that some of our ancestors (like the Denisovans) were interbreeding with? Could they have been a similar group? Could they have been a completely separate, entirely new species?
This finding is one small example of the many mysteries and questions that remain regarding human evolution. There is also the anomaly regarding evidence found which suggests intelligent, extremely advanced (more so than we are today) ancient human civilizations might have existed in our ancient past, from millions of years ago all the way up to recent history. Where does all that fit into the equation? That is, however, a completely separate topic for a separate article.
The amount we do know is but a tiny drop in an ocean, full of unknowns that have yet to be discovered, that will one day shed light on the mystery of human origin.

Channeling by Petra Margolis : The Sphinx Speaks the Human Consciousness

The Sphinx Speaks the Human Consciousness ~ via Petra Margolis ~ February 24th, 2013

As channeled by Petra Margolis

The sphinx speaks the human consciousness.

Have any of you ever looked at the human consciousness as it is around your earth at this time?

Let me ask my messenger to explain her experience as she travels through the spirit world.

Petra: Every time I was expanding my consciousness, the first thing I would see in front of me was a black blob of energy, no other way to explain it. It was moving slowly and seemed to have the consistency of very thick oil, a bit shiny with some really tiny stars it seemed, almost like a gold glitter, but not many glitters as most of it is just a dark blob.

Each time I would see it I wondered what it was, and after days I finally figured it out. It was the human consciousness. After I figured this out the sphinx stepped in to explain more about this to others.

The sphinx: The energy of the human consciousness is dark and heavy, many feel this at times but ignore it as they see this as not part of them, but only of others.

Yes, some of those dark and heavy feeling are from others, in fact most of them are, but the fact remains that each time you expand you consciousness or awareness you move through this consciousness that is effecting your awareness.

My messenger, she has disconnected herself a long time ago, this is why she sees this mass of energy in front of her and not above her, she moves past it, but she sees it. One of the reasons she sees it is that she is becoming more aware of every layer of energy around her and the planet. Normally she would skip many layers to reach her answers, but this time she was working backwards to reach the point of the beginning of creation.

This is however what many do as they travel into the spiritual realms; they pass through many layers without knowing what is within those layers. Even though these layers hold much of what you need to learn and experience.

The other point is, that by trying to move through these lower layers directly into the so called higher layers, you are influenced by what is within those lower layers and this influence carries into your experience and awareness about what is present in those so called higher layers.

Many have heard about matrixes, crystal grids, the veils and they have no problem seeing these as they know about them. It is not that hard to imagine a crystal grid around the earth. But how about the ones you don’t know about?

Can you see those?

Do you really know what is within those many layers, the lower dimensions 3, 4 and even 5, as you move through them?

And do you know how it can affect your experience within those so called higher layers?

Even the crystal grids that some are or have been placing around the earth have an effect on what you experience and how your experience, as well as your preexisting belief systems as to what you are going to experience. Not to mention the other grids that are within those dimensions specifically placed there for you to have certain experiences.

Yes, it is something many do not want to think about and many channels do not have this information as many channels are not able to see the energies, as well as if it is within the message they translate, they are not able to receive it as they are not aware of this. This means that a lot of what is being channeled is filtered or is coming from or through all these grids and systems.

This is how the human consciousness works, each and every human connects into this human consciousness as it was being used as a communication system to receive and send information. This was created a long time ago when the human population was way less than it is now.

Some humans have disconnected from this consciousness, but most are still connected and at this moment in time it is more a disadvantage than an advantage for many.

As there of course also have been manipulations that have taken place within the human consciousness and the control system is using it partly as well to present their views and realities within the human matrix.

Each human has their own consciousness, but they connect into the human consciousness energy that was created for a specific purpose of staying connected as humans over great distances. In the beginning this was a conscious connection, it watered down into an unconscious connection.

At this moment the human consciousness is more of a storage place of experiences that humans can tap into, and are tapping into many times.

A lot of these experiences contain very heavy energies and with so much light being send into the human consciousness, it is not clearing these heavy energies, but more compressing these energies, and as these energies get heavier they seem to lower themselves, or to say it in another way, the human consciousness is being lowered more closely to the humans and in this way having a greater influence on each human.

This can be greatly felt by certain humans as they feel the heavy energies and sometimes darkness more than others.

If you wonder why there seems to be more happening on earth as far as the rising up of the people, the wars, the killings that seem to be going on more and more. It is partly due to those dark and heavy energies. As the light being sent in is not clearing the human consciousness, it is making changes in the human consciousness, but maybe not in the way you would like it to change at times.

You can see it this way, when light is being send into the human consciousness, the human consciousness does not really expand in any way, the light takes up space, but floats to the top and in this way is compresses what is on the bottom, the darker and more heavy energies.

Clearing the human consciousness can only be done through the human consciousness that is not connected into the overall human consciousness.

But many humans have most of their consciousness connected into the overall human consciousness, as this is a safe place where they can feel some oneness with others.

There is however only a shared human consciousness, I want you to be aware of this, and there is not a shared cosmic consciousness or any other type of shared consciousness or awareness once you disconnect or get past the human consciousness. We will explain more about this in a later time as it is a subject that requires more than just a couple of lines.

Awareness is not just about the so called amazing experiences, in fact some of those are really not what they seem to be. Awareness is being able to see all experiences as they present themselves through all layers of your being and your inner worlds.

The human consciousness can be deleted, but it will take time. As more are able and find ways to disconnect, the human consciousness will become smaller and at one point disappear as new ways of communication are coming to the forefront in time.

From one source to another

Channeling by Simon NightStarr : Divine Self and True Forgiveness

Most Channelings Are Largely Past-oriented and Future-oriented ~ Divine Self Explains Why and GETS REAL With Channelers (and Defines "True Forgiveness") ~ via Simon Nightstarr ~ February 23rd, 2013

As Channeled by Simon NightStarr

(Note: Please find the HUMOR in this message, if you so choose to, for much FUN and JOY went into manifesting it. It is not intended to "offend," but definitely designed to gently strike a nerve or two, as I AM inspired now to share it. I love you. Peace.)

Some of you have noticed that a predominance of channeled messages speak heavily of that which you call the "past," as well as that which you call the "future." This is simply because that is precisely where the minds of most channelers (and humans in general) are focused! Most humans, including a large number of those who are quite open to alternative spiritual practices such as channeling, are simply not too interested in channeled material that is highly centered around true forgiveness, such as given in books like "A Course in Miracles." Such high-level spiritual psychology is often overlooked in favor of "monthly energy reports" and predictions for the new year, as well as fascinating information about Atlantis, Lemuria and ancient Egypt, among other "past" societies.

The simple reason why true forgiveness is overlooked is because most of humanity is not quite at the point, en masse, of understanding that the "forgiveness" they have been taught, although very beneficial for awhile, is often very dualistic and polarized. "I will forgive you for doing such-and-such." This type of "forgiveness" perpetuates the illusion of the past as being "real," when in fact all time is simultaneous, is all NOW. It makes the so-called transgression or violation into something "real" that must be "forgiven." This type of thinking is indeed helpful for those who have very "cold hearts," in a matter of speaking, and would need to lighten up and "forgive" in this manner, in order to raise their vibrational frequency, their mood. However, this is NOT the kind of forgiveness that your Higher Self wants you to ultimately learn.

True forgiveness is that state of consciousness that REMEMBERS that everything—EVERYTHING—is an illusion, a mental interpretation of the mind through the senses. That is, every THING is an illusion. Things, which includes all thoughts, emotions, actions, perceptions, conditions and experiences. True forgiveness is GIVING LOVE to all illusions, remembering with clarity that nothing that occurs is actually "happening," since all experiences are holograms, mental projections, and ONLY DIVINE LOVE IS REAL. This radical type of forgiveness is not what most of you feel ready to fully accept yet, but you have indeed made much spiritual progress in understanding such a concept. After all, the notion of time being an illusion is nothing new to any of you that read this, and you all know for a fact that what you perceive with your physical senses is not what ACTUALLY EXISTS, no matter how much you may deny this fact and claim otherwise.

Both "past-oriented" and "future-oriented" are actually the same game, the same trick of the ego, which uses its perceptions of "the past" (and "the past" is just a label, and nothing more) to keep your attention ensnared with fascinating details. This is the ego's use of HYPNOSIS. Knowing that you are hungry for satisfaction, its game is to dangle a tasty carrot in front of you just far enough out of arm's reach, knowing very well that as long you keep reaching forward (looking to "the future" for your reward), or looking to "the past" for validation, that you will NEVER, EVER reach it! This is a twisted game of avoiding what is always most obvious—the existence of the Eternal NOW, as evidenced by the feeling-state of "I AM," "I exist," which is undeniable. You cannot actually deny this universal fact, for to "deny" it is merely to reinforce its validity and existence. It takes one to EXIST in order to even claim otherwise! Therefore, do not even believe yourselves when you say such ridiculous things like, "I know that I know nothing," which is what increasing numbers of spiritual seekers are affirming. Incorrect! You KNOW that you EXIST!!

Focusing so much on "the future" (just a label, remember) is nothing other than the same egoic mind-game of keeping you focused on the past! This is because most people do not actually expect "the future" to be different than "the past," or else you would have seen very rapid changes. From one moment to the next, you generally expect more of the same, and more of the same, and more of the same... This is your own ego keeping you from forgiving yourself, keeping you from acknowledging the fact that the current "you" that you experience is but a momentary, fleeting thing, and IS NOT the Real You, which is Eternal and Divine. Remember, your "reward," your true satisfaction, is to be found NOW, within you, and never in an end result or accomplishment of a goal. Enjoy the journey, the movement of Divine Life as It flows through you. Your only "success" is the amount of JOY that you presently feel.

Most channelers simply spend decades offering pretty much the same teaching, the same type of information, packaged differently from time to time. This is not a criticism by any means, for I too have an Eternal Message that I tirelessly give, over and over, throughout my endless channels. The only difference is that I RECOGNIZE and FULLY ADMIT that I am not offering you anything that is actually "new," for "There is nothing new under the sun," as a wise teacher of yours has stated. There is nothing new beneath, above, behind nor in front of the sun. The sun, by the way, is symbolic of your ATTENTION, the RADIANCE of your attention and focus. Everything that you could possibly perceive is within this infinite field of attention. I ask that you channelers (and I mean ALL OF YOU reading this, for YOU ALL CHANNEL), understand that the energy and information that you bring forth in thoughts, words and actions IS NOT what is actually being conveyed to you from Spirit, but is rather a TRANSLATION, and nothing more. Angels do not actually care about giving "energy reports," per se, but rather are interested in communicating God's Love to you in the highest and best ways that they can do so, according to your own beliefs. It is YOUR human belief and interest in such things (energy forecasts, predictions, Atlantis, conspiracies, etc.) that conjures up such information when you channel. You would be SURPRISED if you knew HOW MUCH of your own subconscious beliefs and fantasies have colored the information that you channel!!

[Frequency shift to Cosmic Awareness]

This Awareness recognizes that much of the current channeled material of contemporary metaphysics is quickly becoming more and more about the Eternal Now, thus being more NOW-oriented, for there is much information regarding the All-That-Is and multidimensional reality and perception. That this is to be encouraged and continued, for some of you "new" channelers are actually more integrated with the new energies than many of the long-time channelers, due to your particular Soul agreement before taking incarnation. It does not matter, of course, for no one is really "ahead" nor "behind" from the perspective of this Awareness. This Awareness encourages you all to remember that Its Love is within you, and to remember to bring forth this Love in all that you create. This Awareness sends Its Love to all.

Channeling by Pamela Kribbe : Awakening Your Ability to Channel

Mary Magdalene ~ Awakening Your Ability To Channel ~ via Pamela Kribbe ~ February 22nd, 2013

As channeled by Pamela Kribbe

(This channeling was received in the context of a workshop offered by Gerrit and Pamela on channeling. Most people attending the workshop were spiritual counselors desiring to enhance their channeling skills and rise above a lack of self-trust in this area.)
Dear sister and brothers, I greet you all from my heart. I am Mary Magdalene and I am not alone; I am here with many others. Today we will speak about the art of channeling. Many of you desire to channel but feel locked into self-doubt and anxiety about it. Some of you already channel but you dare not express it publicly. Today I would like to offer a different perspective on the question whether you can or should channel. I am telling you that channeling is not new to you at all; you have done it under different names in many lifetimes before this one. It is not such a big deal! Opening up to channeling is not about learning something new for you, it is about awakening skills that are familiar, even innate to you.
You all have been on this planet before and have expressed your inner gifts on Earth in previous lives: the gifts of intuition, of channeling, of the third eye. Your previous lives were often marked by those gifts, and they are still here today. Each of you is surrounded by personalities that you once were, who in one form or another gave a hearing to that inner voice, the voice of the soul, and passed it on to other people on Earth. You were a bridge between this world and the other, the world of the soul from which you originate. This has been your soul’s calling for a long time. Try to sense, if you can, those personalities around you. They are a part of your soul, like a ray of the sun is part of the sun. Not the whole, but still an inalienable part of it. Maybe you see or feel some of these past life figures around you. Take a moment to feel that, calmly and clearly.
Channeling is not new to you. You have already done that many times before, in different ways and in different forms, and it was something familiar that came naturally for you. I ask you now to make connection with that familiar and natural way of channeling that you knew in previous lives, or call it “other lives” – these things are not as bound to time as you might think. Allow one of the individuals that you once were to approach you and to flow through you. Just observe who steps forward and do not go into it too much with your head; just let it happen naturally from a feeling. You do not need to see any person, you can simply sense them. And sometimes it just takes time before you feel anything. This woman or man, whom you feel near you and who is part of your soul, wants now to give you something.
Previous lives are like all lives, a mixture of the beautiful and the less beautiful: light and dark; good and evil, if you like. That person, who is now with you, comes to give you their Light, and the beautiful flowing part of him or herself that felt a connection to, and formed a bridge with, the other world from which they channeled love, encouragement, and hope to people around them. Remember this connection, not through your mind, but through your cells and your feelings. Get a sense again of what that bridge to the other world was like.
Allow yourself to be helped with this process by considering the person from that other life as your guide. Imagine a time when channeling went well and you were able to share the flow of your soul with others. You do not have to imagine the details of what happened. It is about the flow and the safety of it, and also the familiarity and self-evidence of it. In fact, none of you have to learn how to channel, because channeling is something you can do already. The key is to re-establish the way it is done: to re-connect with that part of yourself that does this so easily. Although there exist fears and pains built up in you that are resistant, by reminding yourself how easy channeling used to flow, you remove some of that resistance.
The time has now come when there is really an opportunity on Earth for what you have to give. There are people waiting for that energy to flow out through you and through your lightworker sisters and brothers – the world is waiting for you! Where in past lives, and in former times, you often had to be very circumspect and to operate almost surreptitiously and in secret, there is now a need and an opportunity and openness to receive your gifts. The female power of the inner eye and of intuition is once again welcome – and that is actually an understatement. It is not only welcome, it is desperately needed! Humanity is in distress; there is a crisis going on all over the world: an economic crisis, as well as an environmental crisis. It is a deep crisis in that it asks, “how do we relate to ourselves and with our world and the Earth?” The whole basis of how you will relate to yourself and to “the other” in the future, revolves around this question.
There are people caught in fears, in struggle, in illusion. People have lost themselves, and there is a deep loneliness in the hearts of human beings. From that loneliness comes a desperate search for a beacon outside yourself on which to hold. But that guiding light is not outside you, and you will not find it in another, or in an institution or organization. In this time, it becomes clear there are no certainties that lie outside you: not in a job or a house, and not even in a personal relationship or a circle of friends. You are led ever more deeply within by everything that is happening without, and this can be very frightening for many people. You felt that just now in your meditation when you connected with the collective energy. (Before the channeling, Gerrit offered a guided meditation to the group). You observed the fear and stress that many people are now experiencing.
What is your role in all this: your task, your path? The answer lies in your inner reality. It is always about staying close to yourself, because you know the “way” lies within. You are already familiar with this inner world, with the peace and calm that you can find there. For this reason, you are at this time to be guides or teachers for others and to be that in the most free, gentle sense of the word. Not like those who are leaders in the traditional sense, but to be a living example of how to make a deep connection within yourself, with what transcends the earthly life, with what transcends outer certainties, and with what is independent of these – a connection with your soul. To radiate this connection to others is in a sense your life’s mission. It brings you directly into the core of who you are, and in this way, you also touch others and invite them to do the same.
Direct yourself again to that small circle of past life personalities around you, who are part of you. You share qualities and traits with them, yet they lived in very different times and surroundings; but in essence, it is the same heart. Tell them, those who had to operate in the dark and in secret, that the way is now open: “I may now reveal all the qualities you have developed in the past; I can now radiate my own Light; I am welcome on Earth.” In some of those personalities, you can feel there are painful memories of being unacceptable, of being condemned for what you were, and for which there was no opportunity to share the reality you had to give. It is now time to heal that old pain. It must be seen, remembered and honored, so that it may be released to give way for a new joy, a new lightness, a way of effortlessly being yourself.
These old personalities can remind you of your gifts, your natural connections, your soul. That is their gift to you: qualities you were ever building up and developing very carefully in other times, through experience, practice, and training. But you also have a gift for them in return. Tell them they can now let go of their old burdens and can release the feeling of not being welcome, that pain from the past. Not to feel welcome, and not to live what was natural for you, was a deep pain for you. Yet your wisdom has grown because of that experience; your understanding of human nature and of light and dark. Accept this past and let those old lives go free again, no longer bound to old pains or traumas, let them all go their way. Take what is wise and beautiful about them with you in your heart. Thank them for it – really do so from the heart! Thank them for the gifts they are leaving for you, and then release them to be free, so they can finally put to rest their painful connection with the Earth. In this way, the past is healed.
Everything that is good and durable from the past stays with you; it is not lost even though it has long been surrounded by pain, uncertainty, fear, and frustration. You can set it free and bring a diamond from out of that past. It is now in this life that this diamond can shine and radiate into the world and give you happiness, the happiness of simply being yourself and no longer having to hide. That is the key to everything. If you can experience this beautiful diamond in yourself, then everything else in your life happens almost by itself. You attract relationships and living and work surroundings that belong to the diamond. Feel the presence of this brilliant energy in you. So much strength and wisdom bundled up in you from so many centuries and the many persons you have been. Feel the depth, the mystery and wonder of it. Have respect for who you are and stop looking down upon yourself with contempt and criticism.
Feel how you are a channel, here and now; feel the diamond that you are. Just look at that space within your body where you can feel this jewel and allow its radiant energy to flow through your entire body so you are bathed in its Light. I am here as your equal; I am not a teacher who stands above you. I am exactly like you and so I feel very close to you, equal to you in my heart. When you have doubts, which arise easily in the reality of human beings, I am with you to appeal to your strength and remind you of who you are. To call upon you to really believe in yourself, and to stay in touch with the dazzling diamond that you are already, here and now.
Copyright © Pamela Kribbe - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely.

The Impossible No-Fuel Engine

NASA tests ‘impossible’ no-fuel quantum space engine – and it actually works

 Excerpt from

A study conducted last year by NASA scientists has become the latest, and by far the highest profile, piece of evidence in favor of a seemingly impossible space thruster design that’s been evoking worldwide skepticism for some time now. Apparently annoyed by the persistent boosters of several similar but distinct designs, the space agency finally agreed to test an American-made variant called the Cannae Drive. “Alright!” they said. “We’ll test your stupid drive that won’t work.” Except it did work. Seemingly in contravention of the law of conservation of momentum, the team confirmed that the device produces thrust by using electricity, and nothing else. Supporters call them microwave thrusters or quantum vacuum plasma thrusters (QVPT), while most others use the phrase “anomalous thrust device.”
First, the results of NASA’s experiment, since that’s all the team itself wants you to be talking about. Seemingly wanting to avoid unproductive controversy about the nature of existence, they’ve totally ignored the question of how the drive works in favour of simply reporting the data. With controls in place to avoid any confounding forces or variables, the NASA team recorded a reliable thrust between 30 and 50 micro-Newtons, less than a thousandth of the output of some relatively low-powered ion thrusters in use today. Still, the ion thrusters require fuel to operate, and the original QVPT inventor claims the version NASA tested is flawed, leading them to collect far lower thrust readings than his original can provide.This is an older version of the concept than the one NASA tested, though it may still produce more thrust.This is an older version of the QVPT than the one NASA tested, though it may still produce more thrust
If confirmed, the practical upshot of this technology would be amazing. Solar panels could provide the electricity needed to keep the thruster working, meaning that propulsion would be low-thrust and long-term with virtually no associated cost. That would not only drastically reduce the cost of keeping satellites running and in orbit, but it could make interstellar travel much easier; Harold White, of warp drive fame, predicted that a beefed up version of the QVPT could reach Proxima Centauri in about 30 years (assuming the concept actually works at all).
"Warp" drive isn't such a hare-brained concept any more, so why should quantum drives be?
Warp drives aren’t such a harebrained concept any more, so why should quantum drives be?

While NASA might not want to talk about it, though, for us it’s worth discussing just how this drive’s creators hypothesize the thruster works. By now, most people are aware that the laws of classical physics tend to break down at the quantum scale, and exploiting that fact can give you interesting little physical impossibilities like infinitely accelerating negative-mass photons. However, the effects of these quantum-scale impossibilities have always stayed at the quantum scale; sure one atom could theoretically phase-shift through another, but we still can’t run through walls.
The central insight here (assuming this isn’t all a big mistake) is that something called quantum vacuum fluctuations will occasionally spontaneously create particles all throughout the vacuum of space, and that these short-lived particles can be put to useful work. Thus, this thruster actually does use fuel — it just finds and uses that fuel as it goes. The thruster essentially turns these virtual particles into a plasma and expels them out the back of the ship, much like a conventional fuel source. The quantum fuel, though, spontaneously appears inside the thruster’s reaction area without even the need for collection or injection hardware. All things considered, that’s more than a little exciting.NASA ion thrusterIon thrusters are another low-powered solution, applying weak but constant acceleration
The original design, called the emDrive by creator Roger Shawyer, should get significantly more attention in the coming months, which ought to feel good given the long struggles he’s had with professional apathy and skepticism. As mentioned, the version tested by NASA is distinct from the emDrive, but still (they think) makes use of the quantum vacuum particles as the propellant. There are very preliminary plans to test a version of the drive in space, but such orbital work is expensive; now it might finally have the juice to warrant such a plan.

NASA's golden age is about to come to a thudding halt

The dark future of American space exploration ~ NASA's golden age is about to come to a thudding halt

Excerpt from 
by David W. Brown

One by one they flickered to life. Venus, first, in 1962, and two and a half years later, Mars. Our spacecraft flew by those planets, orbited them, and became manmade meteors streaking toward the first soil we couldn’t generically call "earth." Later, when we grew ambitious and confident in our abilities, humanity reached for the outer planets, probing Jupiter and Saturn in 1973 and 1979. Each mission turned conjecture into fact, invalidated old assumptions, and brought us closer to one day answering the two fundamental questions of existence: where did all this come from, and where is it headed?

Mission successes don't happen in a void. For every newly lighted world there are crashed probes, lost spacecraft, and rockets destroyed on launch pads. The exploration of other worlds is a cumulative art, and with a steady cadence of missions comes an institutional knowledge for scientists and engineers. Every setback is its own library of insights. In 1964, when probe Mariner 3 missed Mars, its target, due to equipment failure, Mariner 4 was three weeks behind, and succeeded where its twin had failed.
The cadence cannot be interrupted, which is why many planetary scientists now eye warily their calendars. America's starvation budget for planetary exploration has stopped good missions from going forward, and keeps new missions from reaching the launch pad. One by one over the next three years, as missions end and spacecraft die, the outer planets will again go dark.

If NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto is extended beyond 2017, the entire active human presence at the outer planets will consist of a single probe the size of a grand piano. If the mission is not extended, humanity's 43-year exploration of the outer planets will end, and humanity's horizon will shrink by about 2.5 billion miles. Worse, because of the time necessary to build a spacecraft and the harsh reality of orbital mechanics, the earliest a new mission could be sent beyond the asteroid belt is sometime in the 2020s.
The consequences of a diminished planetary science portfolio go beyond the loss of new wallpaper for desktop computers. Planetary exploration has changed the way we think about everything from the air we breathe to the oceans we sail. By exploring Venus, for example, scientists observed the full expression of the greenhouse effect, which in turn reshaped environmental priorities back on Earth. Meanwhile, the search for life on other planets inspired scientists to find life in unexpected places here at home. 
"The more we learn about the other planets out there, the more we learn about Earth," said Dr. Curt Niebur, a program scientist for NASA.
The next three years of outer space exploration are going to produce spectacular scientific data. Very little is known about Pluto, for example, but that will change in July when New Horizons makes its approach. Once New Horizons completes its possible extended mission to an object in the Kuiper Belt, though, there is nothing budgeted in the pipeline to take its place. Yesterday invested in today. But we are not investing in tomorrow.
The value of planetary exploration
For all the scientific breakthroughs it produces, the space program in general — and planetary exploration in particular — is an inexpensive enterprise. "People grossly overestimate the budget that NASA gets," said Niebur. The president's fiscal year 2016 budget calls for $18.5 billion overall for NASA — 0.46 percent of the federal budget. "Most people think it's 10 times that much."
Of that, the allotment for planetary science has been cut to $1.36 billion — the fourth such proposed cut by the Obama administration, and far short of what is needed by the program. (The rest of NASA's budget goes to earth science, human space exploration, and operation of the International Space Station, among other things.) According to the Planetary Society, a nonprofit space research and advocacy organization, for the planetary science division to run well, the United States should spend at least $1.5 billion every year to explore other worlds — "less overall," they report, "than what Americans spent on dog toys in 2012."
Planetary exploration has changed the way we think about the air we breathe and the oceans we sail Fiscal year 2013 saw the White House's Office of Management and Budget call for slashing planetary science funding by one-fifth. Though Congress restored much of the money, the program has yet to fully recover, and with the doleful figures in the 2016 budget, it is again up to Congress to find money to keep the program funded.
In that regard, planetary science is at a disadvantage compared to other federal programs. During the budget standoff in 2013, for example, national parks were closed, which prompted an immediate backlash from the public. But because it generally takes several years for spacecraft to reach the outer planets, they are already funded by the time they start returning data. In other words, the ticket is purchased before the flight arrives at its destination. As such, from the public's point of view, the planetary science program will seem stronger than ever, returning spectacular images of alien worlds, while in fact the program is hobbling along, ill-prepared for the future due to consecutive years of reduced budgets.