Wednesday 1 July 2015


Om has been practiced in the Hindu tradition for years, and even the West is picking up with it in Yoga. So what does OM really mean?
The following is an excerpt from

What does the word “love” look like? What does the sound of birds chirping look like?  How about the sound of running water? Believe it or not, but every single sound has an actual physical structure to it that can be made visible very easily.  The ancients knew this, which is why the revered chanting and mantras so highly.  We will look at that last point more deeply in a little bit.  But first, let’s look at the science of visible sound.

The science of visible sound

Cymatics is the scientific study of visible sound waves.  Contrary to our experience of sound as a audible frequency, all sound literally has a geometric formation to it.  You can easily see the visible geometrical vibrations of any given sound by placing sand or coated particles on to a metal plate called a tonoscope.  When you put these coated particles on to this metal plate and then play a frequency into the metal plate, the particles arrange themselves according to the geometric structure of that sound.
What’s fascinating is that when you play recordings of ancient sacred chants and matras into the plate, the particles of sand arrange themselves into beautiful mandalas and sacred geometric structures.  

Why is this so amazing?

Ok, so it turned out to be a bunch of ovals for a bit, and some pretty sacred geometric patterns. Why is this so special?
Elliptical paths are the routes planets take as they orbit our sun.  Contrary to our intuition, they do not revolve around the sun in perfect circles, but in oval-shaped elliptical paths just like you see in video.  This is also the shaped of the orbits the sun and other stars take as they revolved around the galaxy.  To summarize, ellipses is how planets and stars respond to gravity.  This is a diagram showing the elliptical routes the planets in our solar system take around the sun.  Notice how this is an exact match to what the sound “Om” looks like on the tonograph:

How did the ancients know about this?

In ancient Hindu traditions, Om is believed to be the divine sound that was present at the beginning of the universe. The sound Om is thought to be what actually created all of existence, which isn’t actually too far fetched when you understand that everything physical in the universe is really a manifestation of vibrational waves.
The word “Om” literally translates into “the sound of the Universe”, “the essence of life” and “the cause of the universe”. It’s quite the coincidence that the sound that was believed to be present and responsible for the creation of the universe is the very same sound that gives us the elliptical patterns that planets take around stars and stars take around galaxies.
In fact, Om is what Harvard trained brain neurosurgeon of 25 years Dr. Eben Alexander claims to have heard resonate throughout the spirit realm during his near-death experience, specifically during his close encounter with the Source.  The most scientifically credible experience of the afterlife ever recorded includes the sound “Om” as a background vibration that permeates the spirit realm.
There are literally thousands of other chants that have been practiced for thousands of years.  Could the tie between ancient chants and the sacred geometric patterns they produce be the reasons why they were so obsessed with both chanting and sacred geometry? Are sacred chants and geometric patterns integral parts of enlightenment that we have forgotten about?

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