Wednesday 25 February 2015

Ancient Architecture : How the Pyramids were Built

This post is going to be dedicated to learning how the Pyramids were built!
Ever wondered how they were built, besides the astonishing question as to why?
Well, let's explore the mystic, shall we?

 Possible Myth

When we have to debunk something, we have to believe it first. We have to consider the possibility of such a thing and its implications. If it fits right into place, you might have to actually consider it as reality!
And that's what we're going to try now. Consider this : Aliens. Hope you haven't passed out or just laughing at it. Well and good? If Aliens have indeed made contact with us way before the "Common Era" , there's a slight chance that they might have given us their knowledge. A chance that opens up all doors and lifts the fog right up.

12 Pyramids of Thoth

Thoth is the Egyptian God of Knowledge for starters, but he did way more than that! What he did was leave knowledge on Emerald Tablets (Source) which includes how the pyramids were built. According to these tablets, he created it with the power of his mind. He laid out the design on the fourth dimension, and things fell into place on the third. One reason I give you to believe this is by the fact that these emerald tablets do not react to ANYTHING! They are incorruptible as far as physics is concerned.
Another belief is that, when Earth was going through a transitional period, the gravity became lesser. So less that one could move tons of square rocks and shape it into structures and Thoth did just that.
There are many theories behind the 'why' part of it, which I will cover in future posts.

           Insight on Possible Advanced Technology

There is another reality where an advanced technological power could have been adapted to build such entire structures. Probably a technology so advanced yet based on a simple idea that exists in our everyday life?


This idea is indeed very reliable and a believable aspect to justify the building of the Pyramids. 
Not to sound(pun intended) far flung again, but according to a channeling by William LePar (Source)   the Priests used a special tool to levitate objects using sound! 
The Council states : 
Special appliances. Basically, metallic rods held in hands. One was a barrel-shaped rod; the other was a staff rod. The high priest then would carry these, and it was used as a tuning mechanism. The assistant priests or the common priests then would concentrate, and through a means of chanting which would have been strictly cosmetic in actuality, the chanting served their conscious mind for concentration, but the chanting in itself served no other purpose; focusing these thoughts then and the high priests holding these rods, touching the stone or the block that had to be moved, created a field that negated the gravitational force, thus allowing that stone or that rock to rise.
The mind emanates an electrical field. This electrical field can be focused. The priests would concentrate on the rising of the rock or the elevating of the rock. They were of one mind then. The high priest which held these appliances, with the use of the appliance would be able to be what you could refer to as a power element or the priest with these appliances then would accumulate these electrical impulses derived from the extreme concentration and would trigger then, with the help of these appliances, a force that would negate the magnetic field in relationship to the object. Now the priests would lay hands on the object or the stone.
The high priest would walk ahead or behind of the stone and one could consider then, because of the appliances, the high priest would be used as the power source to cancel out the gravitational force on the rock itself. This would be done in a manner that is hard to explain because the concept is not in line with man's normal understanding but what constitutes material form but atoms. Again, what are atoms but fields of energy or electricity, and so by activating the molecular structure of the stone in such a way it would eliminate the relationship with the magnetic field or with the gravitational field, thus causing it to elevate or levitate.

Not to rely completely on this, but the basic idea is to levitate objects using sound. There's a breakthrough in modern science which is strikingly similar to this : Sound Levitation Technology.

Although this is completely on a small scale when compared to stone blocks weighing thousand tons, this research can further blend in with the power of the mind and results could be very helpful in the coming future.
Keep thinking!


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