Thursday 12 February 2015

Ancient Wonders




Great circles are straight lines that go all the way around the center of the earth. The equator is a great circle. Meridians of longitude that cross over the north and south poles are also great circles. For every location on a great circle, it's antipodal location is also on the circle. Other than the equator itself, any great circle crosses the equator at two antipodal locations, 180° apart. Other than the equator and meridians of longitude that run due north and south, any great circle reaches it's maximum latitudes at two locations that are 90° of longitude east and west of the two locations where the great circle crosses the equator.

Easter Island, Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Paratoari, Tassili n'Ajjer and Giza are all aligned on a single great circle. Additional ancient sites that are located within one tenth of one degree of this great circle include Petra; Perseopolis; Khajuraho; Pyay, Sukothai and Anatom Island.

Near Ollantaytambo, Machupicchu and Cuzco are within one quarter of a degree. The Oracle at Siwa in the western Egyptian desert is within one quarter of a degree. In the Indus Valley, Mohenjo Daro and Ganweriwala are within one quarter of a degree. The ancient Sumerian city of Ur and Angkor temples in Cambodia and Thailand are within one degree of the great circle. The Angkor temple at Preah Vihear is within one quarter of a degree.

This circle crosses over the source and the mouth of the Amazon, the dividing line between upper and lower Egypt, the mouth of the Tigris-Euphrates, the Indus River and the Bay of Bengal near the mouth of the Ganges. The circle also crosses over a number of areas of the world that are largely unexplored, including the Sahara Desert, the Brazilian Rainforest, the highlands of New Guinea, and underwater areas of the North Atlantic Ocean, the South Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea.

The alignment of these sites is easily observable on a globe of the earth with a horizon ring. Aligning any two of these sites on the horizon ring will align all of these sites on the ring. 3-D world atlas software programs will also draw this great circle around the earth. The four images below are centered on the two locations where the great circle crosses the equator and the two locations where the great circle reaches it's maximum latitudes. The circle crosses over the equator at 48° 36' west longitude and 131° 24' east longitude. The maximum latitude of the circle is 30° 22' north latitude at 41° 24' east longitude and 30° 22' south latitude at 138° 36' west longitude.
All great circles have two antipodal axis points. The two axis points for the equator are the north and south poles. Every point along the equator is equally distant at 90°, or one quarter of the circumference of the earth, from the north and south poles. For any great circle, the distance from the axis points to any point along the circle is one quarter of the circumference of the earth. For any great circle other than the equator, the longitude of the axis points are 90° east and west of the two points where the great circle crosses the equator.
Great circles that run due north-south along meridians of longitude have their axis points on the equator, 90° of longitude east and west of the points where the meridian circle crosses the equator and 90° of latitude from the poles where meridian circles reach their maximum latitudes. The distance from the axis points to any point along a meridian circle is one quarter of the circumference of the earth, but 90° of longitude from the axis point to the point where the meridian circle crosses the equator is 6,225 miles, while 90° of latitude from the axis point to the maximum latitude of the meridian circle at the poles is 6,215 miles. This is because the polar circumference of the earth is 24,860 miles, while the equatorial circumference is 24,901 miles, due to the bulge of the earth at the equator and the flattening of the earth at the poles.
Our modern system of calculating degrees of latitude from the equator to the poles is based on the north-south angular change along the surface of the earth. As a result, degrees of latitude are slightly longer at the poles, where the earth is flatter, and slightly shorter at the bulge of the equator. For great circles other than the equator and other than meridian circles, the north-south distance from the axis points to the great circle crosses over the pole in one direction, while it crosses over the equator in the other direction. As a result, the latitude of the axis points must be adjusted slightly to compensate for the longer distance of degrees of latitude at the poles and the shorter distance of degrees of latitude at the equator.
The two axis points for the great circle illustrated above are located at 59° 53' north latitude and 138° 36' west longitude and at 59° 53' south latitude and 41° 24' east longitude. The southern axis point is in deep water approximately 500 miles from the coast of Antarctica. The northern axis point is in the northwestern corner of Canadian British Columbia on a glaciated ridge line approximately 6,500 feet above sea level. The circumference of this great circle is 24,892 miles. This is slightly less than the equatorial circumference of the earth, but closer to the equatorial than the polar circumference because the maximum latitude of the great circle is closer to the equator than the poles, and because most of the shortening of the polar circumference is due to the flattening of the earth near the poles.
The chart below lists the distance of each site from the great circle and the distance of each site from the northern axis point. There are slight variations in the distance from the axis point to the great circle depending on whether the route from the axis point to different locations along the great circle crosses over the equator or polar regions. The mean distance from the axis point to the great circle is 6,218 miles.
LatitudeLongitudeTo Great Circle:To Axis Point:
Giza29° 59' N31° 09' E0 miles6.219 miles
Siwa29° 14' N25° 31' E10 miles6,231 miles
Tassili n'Ajjer26° 32' N9° 50' E0 miles6,218 miles
Paratoari12° 48' S71° 25' W0 miles6,219 miles
Ollantaytambo13° 15' S72° 16' W0 miles6,220 miles
Machupicchu13° 06' S72° 35' W15 miles6,206 miles
Nazca14° 42' S75° 06' W0 miles6,221 miles
Easter Island27° 06' S109° 20' W0 miles6,221 miles
Aneityum Island20° 10' S169° 48' E8 miles6,230 miles
Preah Vihear14° 24' N104° 40' E25 miles6,241 miles
Sukhothai17° 01' N99° 42' E5 miles6,226 miles
Pyay19° 15' N95° 05' E5 miles6,213 miles
Khajuraho24° 51' N79° 56' E12 miles6,206 miles
Mohenjo Daro27° 15' N68° 17' E20 miles6,243 miles
Persepolis29° 56' N52° 55' E5 miles6,215 miles
Ur30° 57' N46° 07' E40 miles6,173 miles
Petra30° 19' N35° 28' E6 miles6,213 miles

The sites listed above are shown clockwise from Giza on the equal azimuthal projection below. The projection is centered on the axis point in southeastern Alaska. Distances to any location from the center of an equal azimuthal projection are equally scaled. Since all of the sites on the great circle alignment are equally distant from the axis point at one quarter of the circumference of the earth, the alignment forms a perfect circle halfway between the center and the outer edge of the projection.


Entire complexes of ancient Paleolithic monuments have been uncovered by recognition of their highly geometric characteristics. A trio of low angle synthetic sandstone pyramids have been identified in Montevecchia, Italy in the foothills of the Alps, while a larger complex of six monumental stone structures with interlinking tunnels was discovered by Dr. S. Osmanagic in Bosnia'sVisoko Valley in 2005.                                                   

International recognition of the many archeological and geophysical studies conducted in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids has inspired hundreds of thousands of visitors to tour the location, which has since become the world's largest concerted archeological excavation project. After initial denials by archeological authorities in government and Egyptology circles, Dr. Osmanagic has very convincingly uncovered and presented a remarkable complex of artificial architectural structures.
The most notable geometric features of the Visoko Valley sacred site can be easily appreciated from aerial surveys of the ancient complex of resonant stone structures, each having been shaped, façaded and terraced according to a clear design plan that accommodated the natural landscape. Previously named Visocica Hill, it is now recognized as the world's largest pyramid, rising to 220m in height at an angle of 45°. The site was immediately recognized by Osmanagic for the exact orientation of the three planar faces of the pyramid to the cardinal directions. Designated as the Pyramid of the Sun, subsequent discoveries have revealed a large complex of monuments now known to including the Pyramid of the Moon, Temple of the Earth, Pyramid of Love, Pyramid of the Dragon and the Vratnica Tumulus.

These massive ancient stone buildings functioned collectively with each other and with every other megalithic monumental site in the world, precisely geopositioned in alignment with a distribution pattern defined by this author during the same time period of the discovery of the Visoko Valley complex. The Sanskrit mandala represents this global resonance pattern to which all sacred sites conform, identified in previous research as the quadratic function [ zn+1 = zn2 ] corresponding to the spherical projection of infrasound standing waves transduced by the piezoelectric stones of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (43.977°N 18.176°E) is 1,199 miles from the Great Pyramid, comprising 4.82% or approximately 1 / 21 of the Earth's mean circumference of 24,892 miles. This sacred distance interval also corresponds to 1 / 4 of the 19.1%Fibonacci distance from the Great Pyramid to the temples of Angkor Wat (19.1 / 4 = 4.775). This geospacial relationship enables acoustic resonance between these giant monuments, designed to transduce planetary infrasound at 33 discrete frequencies well below the audible range of human perception. Infra sound recordings were obtained by Professor P. Debertolis (>10 Hz limit), showing highest intensity in the ultra-low frequencies. These imperceptible frequencies proceed in a slightly fluctuating structure at harmonic intervals of 5.6 Hz above and below 7.83 Hz.

Now, 7.83Hz is also well known as Schumann Resonances (SR) which are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the electromagnetic spectrum beginning at 3 Hz and extend to 60 Hz, and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 (fundamental), 14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz.

In contrast to the scientific terms, Schumann Resonances is called the Rhythm of Mother Earth.

Another set of clear patterns in the local distribution of the various megalithic monuments of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids also confirms their calibration for efficient acoustic energy storing in the ultra-low frequency range of the human heartbeat. The 440m base length of the Sun Pyramid and its 220m height endow the monument with a fundamental resonant frequency of 1.5 Hz, matching the resting heartbeat frequency for the induction of tri-thalamic entrainment and collective telepathic consciousness.
The distances between construction sites selected for these psychoacoustic monuments conform to integer multiples of this crucial 220m heartbeat wavelength. For example, the Vratnica Tumulus is 3,960m directly northeast of the Sun Pyramid (above), a distance that is 18 times the height of the Sun Pyramid (220 x 18 = 3,960). In turn, the apex of the Sun Pyramid is 2,200m from the apex of the Pyramid of the Dragon (below), or 10 times the chosen resonant wavelength (220 x 10 = 2,200).
Continuing this distinct heartbeat wavelength dispersal pattern, the apex of the Pyramid of Love was constructed 440m from the apex of the Pyramid of the Sun, or twice the chosen 220m wavelength. The apex of the Pyramid of Love is 1,320m from the apex of the Temple of the Earth, a distance that comprises 6 times the chosen wavelength (220 x 6 = 1,320). In addition, the central axes of all three of these monumental structures, devoted to the Sun, Love and the Earth, conform to a perfect linear alignment. An underlying geometric plan for the entire complex has been exquisitely laid out.

A team of researchers from London’s Royal College of Art (RCA) have discovered that the stones used to construct Stonehenge hold musical properties and when struck, sound like bells, drums and gongs.  It is suggested that these properties could be the reason why the builders were willing to travel so far to source the stones from Wales and bring them to the site in Salisbury Plain, England. Experts conducted acoustic tests at the site for the first time by tapping the bluestones with small quartz hammerstones to test for sonic sounds.  They found that the stones made metallic and wooden sounds in many different notes.  Such sonic or musical rocks are referred to as ‘ringing rocks’ or ‘lithophones’. The investigators believe that this ‘acoustic energy’ could have been the prime reason why these stones were transported nearly 200 miles from Preseli to Salisbury Plain, as archaeologists have not yet been able to explain why they were brought so far when there were plentiful local rocks from which Stonehenge could have been built.  For some reason, the bluestones were considered special.“You don’t get the acoustic bounce’ but when he struck the stones gently in the experiment, they did resonate, although some of the sonic potential has been suffocated,” said Mr Wozencroft. 


The results of recent research suggests that ancient, or prehistoric, builders of the monumental structures found all have a peculiarly common characteristic -- they may have been specially designed to conduct and manipulate sound to produce certain sensory effects. "Regional brain activity in a number of healthy volunteers was monitored by EEG through exposure to different sound vibration frequencies," reports Malta temple expert Linda Eneix of the Old Temples Study Foundation,  "The findings indicated that at 110 Hz the patterns of activity over the prefrontal cortex abruptly shifted, resulting in a relative deactivation of the language center and a temporary shifting from left to right-sided dominance related to emotional processing and creativity. This shifting did not occur at 90 Hz or 130 Hz......In addition to stimulating their more creative sides, it appears that an atmosphere of resonant sound in the frequency of 110 or 111 Hz would have been “switching on” an area of the brain that bio-behavioral scientists believe relates to mood, empathy and social behavior. Deliberately or not, the people who spent time in such an environment under conditions that may have included a low male voice -- in ritual chanting or even simple communication -- were exposing themselves to vibrations that may have actually impacted their thinking."

How curious that such varied ancient structures, separated by so much time and distance, should have common features which imply sophisticated knowledge. Did the architects of the day each make and develop their own discoveries or did they inherit a concept from some older school of learning? Adding the time element to other fields of comparison suggests human trail-blazing of monumental proportion.

Did the Ancients have a definite intention in mind while building these wonders? Some believe that some of these wonders like the Pyramids might not have been built by humans at all, rather they were 'given' to us. Are we descendants of an alien race? Or were we 'taught' by 'someone'? Was there an intention behind aligning these buildings of great magnitude? And is it a coincidence that these ancient buildings had their own resonance, and were they acting on the World's resonance itself?

All in all, these wonders are a great sight and represent rich heritage of the Globe and might be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Our past and enhancing our future.


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